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  • День рождения 09/13/1994

Контактная информация

Общая информация

  • Пол
  • Обо мне
    Michael Clark is a seasoned technical writer with a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of financial software applications. With years of experience crafting clear and user-friendly content, he specializes in guiding users through the complexities of accounting software such as QuickBooks and Sage. His ability to translate technical jargon into accessible language has made him an invaluable resource for both novice and experienced users alike. Michael Clark is committed to helping businesses streamline their financial processes and empowering users with the knowledge to leverage their software to its full potential.

Срочная служба

  • Где служил срочную службу?
    Не служил
  • Служил в спецназе или разведке?
    Не служил в спецназе или разведке

Информация о текущей службе

  • Текущая служба
    Не служу
  • Вид подразделения
    Не служу в спецназе или разведке
  • Опыт участия в БД
    Не имею
  • Наличие государственных наград?
  • Работа за границей

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